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a heavenly letter from my parents.


Establishment and management of a group of people having authentic certifications in subjective education to safeguard our country people from unauthentic persons in the field of subjective education. Such quacks are leading people to do harmful actions in the field of subjectivity. We aim to educate people positive, latest, scientific, research-based subjective education through our seminars and certified training. People afterward will become able by themselves to recognize quack trainers and therapists in this field too. Hence also, be able not to depend on others for any of their subjective problems like fears, phobias, pains, cancers, social or emotional issues, etc... Finding solutions to their problems or stresses by using the natural science of mind and its subjective sciences.


WE NEED ONLY PEOPLE who want to learn their hidden natural power of the mind. We don't need any money as a charity because happiness to us comes when we see minds who want to make themselves positive, healthy, peaceful facing life and its problems with grace and ease and making own and other people lives better and better by their positive minds and positive subjectivity as human are made to do. Our charities are hands who want the wellbeing of everyone in the world of subjectivity and natural sciences.

Our vision

To educate every person, either illiterate or literate, about subjective education and its sciences leading them toward their natural healer and their natural guide residing inside them, learning them to Connect strongly with this most powerful gift of nature for master their mind through the tool of positivity, through the tool of meditation and intuition instead of becoming slaves of their negative minds and thoughts.

charity actions

Our charity actions organize free certified training and seminars about subjective education, especially in schools—colleges, universities, hospitals, and companies for stress management and positive mental growth.


Our motivation is people who want to be healthy, peaceful, and positive thinkers having big pictures even for future generations too. These are people who want to meet themselves to know their purpose in life, making this world a better place to live in for those who will come.

OUr mission.

We believe that we can create a happy, peaceful world full of humanity fulfilling and training everyone with tools of meditation, intuition, and nature-based skills of how to think positive, how to communicate positive and hence becoming a positive synchronized human… spreading compassion and pure love and making this world better and better filled with positive vibes even for the generations to come..